I finally have an internet connection

Gush is not to big on internet, but I finally have a connection so I can communicate about my life at the Yeshiva besides for phone calls. One thing I have learned already is that mussar is not only depressing it is also a bad way to live your life. For the first time I looked at the Mesillat Yesharim for a 15 minute mussar seder with my night seder Chavruta. The very first paragraph started talking about how life is pointless on this Earth and the only thing worthwhile is to do Mitzvot. It is quite depressing. In fact the basic thesis seems to be that if you are righteous right now and suicide wasn’t forbidden you should kill yourself rather than risk the next world. It’s that kind of depressing stuff which makes me dislike mussar even if it has a positive impact in general.

One Response to I finally have an internet connection

  1. Tobie says:

    Call your sisters, young man! Call!

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